I really enjoy blogging, but thanks to all the time I spent on FaceBook, I don't do it very often. It's always been easier to update my FB status with something I want to share than to come here and blog. But no more! I realized that I spent way too much on FB. I mean, do I honestly care what someone I haven't seen in ten years is doing every step of their day? Do I really think they care what I'm doing? Nope. Yet I spent too much time reading statuses and updating mine. And most of what I read makes me mad or annoyed, yet I continued to read. I had to get rid of it. FaceBook is the devil! I can spend all that time doing more important things with my family. I'm redefining my life these days. I'm working on getting healthy and fit, and I want to spend more time doing things that matter like playing games and wrestling with my kids and reading my bible. So anyway, I won't be posting on FB anymore when I've updated the blog. So, if you want to know when I've added a new post, please subscribe to my blog and you'll be notified.
BURRRRRRRRRRRR! Baby it's cold outside! This weather has me excited for the approaching holiday season. We watched our first Christmas movie last night. Of course we watched Coraline first to celebrate the Halloween season, which can give you a creepy feeling. So we evened it out by watching Veggie Tales Little Drummer Boy. Eli and I thoroughly enjoyed The Little Drummer Boy, but Jaxson said it was for babies. Guess my boy is growing up.
Anywho...I'm going to curl up with my baby girl and enjoy our quiet moments together while the boys are at school.